How to use Maintenance Mode Module

Using maintenance mode in website help you for a brief period of time in order to do updates, maintenance, or other duties. You can easily build this module with EnterAddons.

Using Maintenance Mode Module :

You can see the below video to get an insight into how you can use the Maintenance Mode Module, Or you can follow the documentation whichever you find convenient.

Firstly, Go to Enteraddons Dashboard with clicking “EnerAddons” from Left Menu Bar.


Then, go to ‘Extension’ tab option and Checked ‘Maintenance Mode’ Module. And Click on ‘Save Settings’

After that, click Maintenance Mode from menu bar and checked all options that is shown below and Set Maintenance Mode Page from select option. And Then click ‘Save Settings’ Button.

After that , you will find a ‘Settings Saved’ message like below.

That’s it.